Discussion Circle: Tarot for guidance and development


Our next discussion circle will be held on Monday 16th September at The Gap. The title will be Tarot for guidance and development, continuing a theme begun in the last discussion circle. The exercise we are working with involves using the attention to activate the energy of the trump, and to explore the card experientially in this way. For a full description, see here.

Time: 7:30pm to 9:30pm

Date: Monday 16th September, 2013.

Place: email rob at rob@stagandflame.com for details of location.

Discussion: Creation as the Dance of Goddess and God

The next event to be held by the Fellowship is a discussion evening on the topic “Creation as the Dance of Goddess and God“. The discussion will cover the importance of this as the essential worldview that informs the philosophy and magical and ritual practice of the fellowship. This overarching view of creation has implications for sexuality, self concept, and our view of and relationship with nature. To see the world in this way is to see everything as living, related, and the offspring of both a nurturing, generative power, and a seed, quickening power. This has profound implications for the way we undertake all our life activities, from the most mundane to the most esoteric. It represents not only a philosophical viewpoint, but a profound practical explanation of the creative process, that situates us within an unfolding in which we participate.

Time: 7:30pm

Date: Monday 22nd July

Place: The Gap, Brisbane. Email  Rob at rob@stagandflame.com for details of location

The evening will conclude with a short meditation and ritual honouring traditional Deities.


Discussion Evening: Basic Principals of Esotericism

The next event to be held by the Fellowship is a discussion evening on the “Basic Principals of Esotericism“. The discussion will cover the mystical and esoteric viewpoint, and how and why it differs from the dominant worldview of the Western Secular Society. We will discuss the worldview that informs the Fellowship in particular, and the neo-pagan worldview in general.

Time: 7:30pm

Date: Monday 17th June

Place: The Gap, Brisbane. Email  Rob at rob@stagandflame.com for details of location

Topics include:

Creation as the Dance of the Goddess and God

The Wheel of the Year

The Four Elements of Fire, Air, Water and Earth.

Everything is alive

The Web of Wyrd

The Power of Attention

The evening will conclude with a short meditation and ritual honouring traditional Deities.